One of our core values at F+W is to work from the heart.
We know that kindness resonates with all of you, as we are lucky to attract kindhearted souls as our customers. But sometimes we find ourselves in situations where giving financially can be difficult.
It is always important to give to others, just as it is important to give to and nurture yourself.
We regularly donate a small portion of each sale to three of our favourite charities listed below.
When tough times arise, as they sometimes do and we’re not in the position to give, we like to remember this quote from Deepak Chopra:
“Wherever I go, and whoever I encounter, I will bring them a gift. The gift may be a compliment, a flower, or a prayer. Today I will give something to everyone I come into contact with, and so I will begin the process of circulating joy, wealth and affluence in my life and in the lives of others.”
Current charities and organisations we support:
The mission at Freedom Hill Sanctuary is to provide a safe haven for animals that have been rescued from abuse, exploitation or neglect. They also aim to change the way people view farmed animals and promote, educate and encourage compassionate cruelty-free living.
Still Aware -
Is driving change and working tirelessly towards reducing preventable stillbirth. Still Aware is the only not-for-profit organization in Australia dedicated to raising awareness of stillbirth. At Still Aware every dollar donated goes directly to funding awareness and education to brings about change. You can have confidence knowing that your dollar goes straight to activities that brings awareness of the thousands of babies born still every year in Australia.